Friday, December 29, 2023

FLASHBACK: Martin Rev. 23 December 2017 New York - Bowery Electric. Blondie Mural Phoebe Artwork

 It was FER-REEEEZING cold out ... 13 degrees C. But Puma Perl came out and David and Emil and Delphine Blue ... and downstairs at the Bowery Electric it was PACKED. And SMOKING HOT because of Martin Rev - he was astonishing - just amazing - just so powerful - in his leather vest and shiny black pants and glasses. I don't know WHAT he's doing - smacking -  giving his synthesizer (?) a charlie horse and I dont know what the hell the box was on the top there with all those wires and bits and pieces but what he did just hoovered me to the front of the room and i was go-go girl ... - and this doesn't sound right either but I would never have got into Suicide so deep if it wasn't for Tim Broun So THANK YOU. Martin Rev is force - I just admire the living daylight nightlight flashing lights of him.

Martin Rev 

 Walked along Bleeker Street and spotted PHOEBE street art, some of them I could peel off the wall and they came home with me. Moon was up. The Blondie Mural (photos by Bobbie Grossman and Shepherd Fairey) is no more. 

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